



アシュウェル, ティム (アシュウェル ティム,ASHWELL, Tim)

基本情報 研究分野 研究業績 教育業績 運営業績 社会貢献業績


No.授業科目名 年度授業概要
1英語科教育法Ⅰa 2024年度 中学校、高等学校で英語をどのように教えたらいいか一緒に考えていきます。 
2新入生セミナー 2024年度 高度な専門に触れることになる大学においては、高等学校等におけるよりも更に「自立的」で「主体的」な学習態度が要求されます。問題意識をもって世界に向き合う中で、高い情報活用能力を駆使してテーマや課題を自ら探し出し、必要な資料や文献等の調査を行い、研究・学修倫理を遵守したレポートや発表によって自分の考えを他者に的確に伝え、他者の意見に真摯に耳を傾けること――専門分野を問わず、これが「自立的」で「主体的」な学習の道筋です。本科目はこうした学習のための入り口であり、次の4点を共通の指針としています。①駒澤大学において、誇りある大学生としての自覚を養う。②情報活用能力を高め、研究・学修倫理を理解し、学びの態度を「学習」から「学問」へと深化させる。③他者との交流を通じて自己を磨く。④たえず流動する社会のなかで自己を方向づけ、位置づける。 
3英語科教育法Ⅰb 2024年度 中学校、高等学校で英語をどのように教えたらいいか一緒に考えていきます。 
4英文法 2024年度 This course is for anyone interested in English grammar, but especially for people who are intending to become English teachers. We will explore what grammar is and what it is used for and you will do exercises to try to push your understanding of grammar at a CEFR B1 level. If you have ever wondered which sentence in the following pairs is correct, this course may be for you.Is there any / some rice left?The woman whom / who we met said she would telephone.I wish I were / was younger. 
5基礎セミナーb 2024年度 In this seminar class, students will be given a general introduction to the study of language in use. Some aspects of linguistics will be touched upon, but the main focus is the use of language in society.By taking this course, it is intended that students will gain a greater sensitivity to the use of language in society and a greater understanding of ways in which language in use can be studied. 
6入門演習a 2024年度 In this seminar class, students will be given a general introduction to the study of language in use. Some aspects of linguistics will be touched upon, but the main focus is the use of language in society.By taking this course, it is intended that students will gain a greater sensitivity to the use of language in society and a greater understanding of ways in which language in use can be studied. 
7入門演習b 2024年度 In this seminar class, students will be given a general introduction to the study of language in use. Some aspects of linguistics will be touched upon, but the main focus is the use of language in society.By taking this course, it is intended that students will gain a greater sensitivity to the use of language in society and a greater understanding of ways in which language in use can be studied. 
8応用演習a 413952 / 卒業研究 2024年度 In this seminar class, students will conduct the data collection for their graduation thesis, will write the first draft of the first half of their sotsuron, and will do presentations and take part in other activities designed to support the development of the sotsuron.By taking this course, it is intended that students will gain a greater sensitivity to the use of language in society and a greater understanding of ways in which language in use can be studied. 
9応用演習b 415652 / 卒業研究 2024年度 In this seminar class, students will complete their graduation thesis by writing the Results and Discussion sections. They will also make presentations and take part in other activities designed to support the completion of the sotsuron.By taking this course, it is intended that students will gain a greater sensitivity to the use of language in society and a greater understanding of ways in which language in use can be studied. 
10英語科教育法Ⅱa 2024年度 中学校、高等学校で英語をどのように教えたらいいか一緒に考えていきます。 
11英語科教育法Ⅱb 2024年度 中学校、高等学校で英語をどのように教えたらいいか一緒に考えていきます。