



アシュウェル, ティム (アシュウェル ティム,ASHWELL, Tim)

基本情報 研究分野 研究業績 教育業績 運営業績 社会貢献業績


1JALT学習者ディベロプメント研究部会SIG30周年記念大会:ポストコンファレンス出版:変化と行動のための学習、未来に向けて変化を起こす 編者(編著者) JALT学習者ディベロプメント研究部会 2024年02月  
2Collaborative Learning in Learner Development 共編者(共編著者) Learner Development Special Interest Group of JALT 2015年  


1Writing and publishing for inclusive practitioner research: Local practices and wider issues Language Teaching Research 2024年01月22日 
2“The car is washed by Tom” – A corpus-based investigation into the passive voice Journal of Global Media Studies 23 57 -70 2018年09月 
3How Accurately Can the Google Web Speech API Recognize and Transcribe Japanese L2 English Learners' Oral Production? The JALT CALL Journal 13 (1) 59 -76 2017年 
4An Investigation of Integrated and Closely Sequenced Form-Focused Instruction JALT Journal 37 (2) 89 -118 2015年11月 
5Automated Scoring for Elicited Imitation Tests Journal of global media studies : gms = ジャーナル・オブ・グローバル・メディア・スタディーズ 13 37 -41 2014年 
6"The Effectiveness of Form-focused English Teaching Materials" In, Tomlinson, B. & H. Masuhara (Eds.) Research for Materials Development in Language Learning: Evidence for best practice. London: Continuum International Publishing Group 318 -335 2010年 
7Accentuating the Global in 'Global Media Studies' Journal of Global Media Studies Vol. 1 47 -52 2007年 
8Measuring the effects of explicit and non-explicit grammar instruction: casting the net wide 駒澤短期大学紀要 34 (34号) 139 -159 2006年 
9Focus on form: what it is and what questions it raises 英文学 34 (31号) 55 -75 2005年 
10Predicting Performance in Extensive Reading 英文学 31 (31号) 1 -26 2002年03月 
11Collaborative Action Research with L2 Writers Proceedings of the JALT 26th Annual International Conference 178 -179 2001年11月 
12Engendering independence by Changing the Learning Environment 駒澤短期大学紀要 29 (29号) 409 -431 2001年03月 
13“Exploring and defining teacher autonomy: a collaborative discussion”In Mackenzie,A. & McCafferty,E.(Eds.) Developing Autonomy, Proceedings of the College and University Educators' 2001 Conference.Tokyo: JALT 2001年 
14Responding to Writing: Learning from Action Research”In Brooks, D.,Long,R., and Robbins,J.(Eds) Teacher Belief and Teacher Action: Connecting Research and the Classroom (Proceedings of the 25th JALT International Conference on Language Teaching/Learning. 9 -11 2000年 
15Patterns of Teacher Response to Student Writing in a Multiple-Draft Composition Classroom: Is Content Feedback Followed by Form Feedback the Best Method? Journal of Second Language Writing 9 (3) 227 -257 2000年 
16Extensive Reading at Komazawa Junior College 駒澤短期大学紀要 27 (27号) 113 -138 1999年03月 
17Teachers’ and Non-teachers’ Responses to Student Writing in a Multiple Draft Situation: Measuring up to Zamel’s Model 英文学 27 (第27号) 87 -99 1998年03月 
18A Psycholinguistic Investigation into Reading in Japanese using a Kana Detection Task 英文学 26 (第26号) 152 -165 1997年03月