論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル | 雑誌名 | 巻(号) | ページ | 出版年月 |
1 | Integrated Online Voice & Percussion Ensemble | Classroom Resources: Practical ideas for teachers | 2 | | 2021年10月 |
2 | ‘Nanzan Bossa’: A spontaneous musical encounter in Nagoya | Performance in Education Review 2020. JALT Performance in Education (PIE) SIG | | | 2021年10月 |
3 | Star-Crossed Lovers: The “given and added” in the magic of an English Noh performance | Performance in Education Review 2020. JALT Performance in Education (PIE) SIG | | | 2021年09月 |
4 | MUSIC(S) OF THE WORLD AS AN ONLINE EFL RESOURCE: A Japanese EFL classroom experience | Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities | 7 (2) | 102 -117 | 2020年05月 |
5 | Knowing Noh and ‘Nō-ing’ English through Intercultural Performing Arts | International Journal of Education & the Arts | 21 (11) | | 2020年02月 |
6 | The Coding Catastrophe: Translingualism and Noh in the Japanese Computer Science EFL Classroom | In S. Dovchin and T. A. Barret (Eds.), Critical Inquiries in the Sociolinguistics of Globalization.Multilingual Matters. Encounters Series | | 147 -167 | 2019年 |
7 | English Noh Theater Workshop: Lessons from a Japanese university EFL classroom | The Mask & Gavel | 7 | 38 -49 | 2018年 |
8 | Noh in Cyberspace, Empowering the International Voices of Japanese Computer Science Students | All 1st International Festival/Conference on Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts. Fukuoka, Japan. Tiempo 4 All Commemorative Edition | | 35 -36 | 2018年 |
9 | Music in the Philippine Language Classroom | Humanising Language Teaching | 19 (7) | 1 | 2017年 |
10 | Incorporating Music in CALL: An exploratory study establishing a protocol for Computer Assisted Language Learning Incorporating Music (CALLiM) | AsiaCALL | 11 | 18 -42 | 2016年 |
11 | 私の研究Music as tool for Language Education言語教育ツールとしての音楽 | とうほう地域綜合研究所 | (408) | 58 -60 | 2016年 |
12 | Interactive Musical Composition using a Looping App to Support L2 Development | Paper presented at Digital Arts – 2nd Global Meeting at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom | | | 2015年 |
13 | Musical looping of lexical chunks: An exploratory study | JALT CALL Journal | 11 (3) | 235 -253 | 2015年 |
14 | Perceived Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies of Native and Non-native English Speaking Teachers in Japan | The Asian EFL Journal | 78 | 16 -26 | 2014年 |
15 | Musicians in the Language Classroom: The Transfer of Musical Skills to Teaching a “Speech Mode of Communication” | English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED) | 16 | 34 -47 | 2014年 |
16 | The Philippine Rondalla: A Gift of Musical Heritage in a Migrant Context | International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies | 9 (1) | 97 -120 | 2013年 |
17 | The Philippine Rondalla: Recreating Musical Heritage in Contemporary Australasia | University of Canterbury | | | 2013年 |
18 | Rondalla Down Under | Musika Jornal | 8 | 132 -154 | 2012年 |
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル | 会議名 | 発表年月日 | 会議種別 |
1 | Persevering with Intercultural Performing Arts During a Pandemic: Semiotic Clusters and an Online, Noh Performance | The 12th Asian conference on Cultural Studies Tokyo, Japan. | 2022年06月 | 口頭発表(一般) |
2 | ‘Noh-ing’ English through Ethnomusicology | International Conference on Frontier Computing. Tokyo. | 2022年04月 | 口頭発表(基調) |
3 | Contemporary Compositions for Philippine Rondalya: The role of the guitar | The Guitar in contemporary chamber music. Ball State University, Indiana USA. | 2022年04月 | 口頭発表(一般) |
4 | Rondalya Interrupted: Early Flows, Asia-Pacific Distribution and Semiotic Clusters | IMS Study Group on the Global History of Music, “Music in the Pacific World: Change and Exchange through Sound and Memory | 2021年10月14日 | 口頭発表(一般) |
5 | Linking Japan to the World Through the Performing Arts? Progress Report and Impact Assessment During a Pandemic | 3rd Performance in Education Research and Practice Online Conference. Nagoya, Japan. | 2021年09月 | |
6 | Enhancing Intercultural Understanding Through Performance in Education | The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021 | 2021年05月25日 | 口頭発表(一般) |
7 | When PIE Comes a’CALLin’: Musical Avenues for the Self-directed Language Learner | 2nd Performance in Education: Research & Practice Online Conference | 2021年02月20日 | 口頭発表(一般) |
8 | Migrant contributions to the Tainan soundscape | The Sixth International Conference on Tainan Area;Studies “Art;Material Culture in;the Tainan;Area” | 2020年10月17日 | 口頭発表(一般) |
9 | Noh in English workshop and performance | Performance in Education: Research and Practice. Nanzan University, Nagoya | 2019年06月15日 | 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 |
10 | Making the Invisible Visible: Recognizing Call research in Asian contexts – Call in university settings | 16th International Conference of AsiaCALL. College of International Studies and Education of Tongren University, China | 2018年11月02日 | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |
11 | Teaching English through Ethnomusicology | Paper presented at the Short Colloquium: English language education, communicative teaching approaches, and EFL university students in the higher education context of Japan, Sociolingustics Symposium SS22 University of Auckland, New Zealand | 2018年 | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |
12 | Translingualism and Noh in the Japanese Computer Science EFL Classroom | Paper presented at the Long Colloquium: The factors of everyday globalization, the relocalization of mediascapes and technoscapes in multilingualism from below, Sociolingustics Symposium SS22 University of Auckland, New Zealand | 2018年 | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |
13 | Noh Theater in English with Japanese University Students | Paper presented at the JALT Speech, Drama & Debate SIG Conference. Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan | 2018年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
14 | English Noh in Cyberspace: A practical solution to the dilemma of oral English production | Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of AsiaCALL. College of International Studies and Education of Tongren University, China | 2018年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
15 | Noh-ing English at a Japanese University | Paper presented at the Tiempo 4 All 1st International Conference on Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts: Community Development, Education, Policy. Saga University/Tiempo Fukuoka, Japan | 2017年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
16 | Composition Workshop: Composing for Flute and Guitar | Workshop presented at the School of Music. University of Canterbury, New Zealand | 2016年 | 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 |
17 | Practicing Lexical Chunks with a Music Looping App (Loopy) in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan | Paper presented at The Fifth Annual Conference on Language Learning acll2015. Art Centre of Kobe, Japan | 2015年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
18 | Establishing a Protocol for Computer Assisted Language Learning Incorporating Music (CALLIM) | Paper presented at the CALICO conference at the University of Colorado, Boulder USA | 2015年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
19 | Interactive Musical Composition using a Looping App to Support L2 Development | Paper presented at the Digital Arts – 2nd Global Meeting at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom | 2015年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
20 | The Rondalla in Spain: A Historical Panorama | Paper presented at the international conference and workshop on Plucked String Music Cultures: Local Histories and Global Movements. Chinese Culture University, Taipei | 2015年 | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |
21 | From Looping apps to Noh: Interdisciplinary Pathways to a career in Music | Research seminar presentation at the School of Music. University of Canterbury, New Zealand | 2015年 | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |
22 | Musicians in the Language Classroom: The Transfer of Musical Skills to Teaching a “Speech Mode of Communication” | Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Language Learning/The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom, Osaka Japan | 2014年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
23 | Incorporating Music in CALL: An Exploratory Study | Paper presented at the AsiaCALL 2014 Conference on Capacity Building and CALL: Practices and Challenges. National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan | 2014年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
24 | Music and Language Teaching: Affordances and Constrains of the Digital Work Station | Poster presentation at the JALT Okinawa conference on Trends in Language Learning. Okinawa Christian University | 2014年 | ポスター発表 |
25 | Rondalla Down Under | Paper presented at the Musicological Society of the Philippines International Conference 2011: Cuerdas sa Pagkakaysa: “Plucked-string Music: Tradition, Change and New Directions”. Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines | 2011年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
26 | The Rondalla in Australia | Paper presented at Re-Visions: the Joint Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA) and the NZ Musicological Society (NZMS) University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand | 2010年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
27 | Fiesta: Filipino Music in Christchurch | Paper presented at the New Zealand Musicological Society Annual Conference 2009: Music and Migration. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand | 2009年 | 口頭発表(一般) |
28 | Pathways towards authentic communication in English | Paper presented at the IEEE Professional Communication Society Japan Chapter. Shibaura Institute of Technology, Toyosu Campus, Japan | | 口頭発表(招待・特別) |