



ロッケル キム F. (ロッケル キム F.,ROCKELL Kim forrester)

基本情報 研究分野 研究業績 教育業績 運営業績 社会貢献業績


1Migrant Contributions to the Tainan Soundscape: A Preliminary, Online Study of Migrant, Filipino Musicians. In Fiorella Allio & Yen Ting-yu, Art and material culture in the Tainan Area International Center for Tainan Area Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government 2022年11月 9789860701524
2Critical inquiries in the sociolinguistics of globalization 分担執筆 Multilingual Matters 2019年 9781788922845


1Integrated Online Voice & Percussion Ensemble Classroom Resources: Practical ideas for teachers 2021年10月 
2‘Nanzan Bossa’: A spontaneous musical encounter in Nagoya Performance in Education Review 2020. JALT Performance in Education (PIE) SIG 2021年10月 
3Star-Crossed Lovers: The “given and added” in the magic of an English Noh performance Performance in Education Review 2020. JALT Performance in Education (PIE) SIG 2021年09月 
4MUSIC(S) OF THE WORLD AS AN ONLINE EFL RESOURCE: A Japanese EFL classroom experience Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities 7 (2) 102 -117 2020年05月 
5Knowing Noh and ‘Nō-ing’ English through Intercultural Performing Arts International Journal of Education & the Arts 21 (11) 2020年02月 
6The Coding Catastrophe: Translingualism and Noh in the Japanese Computer Science EFL Classroom In S. Dovchin and T. A. Barret (Eds.), Critical Inquiries in the Sociolinguistics of Globalization.Multilingual Matters. Encounters Series 147 -167 2019年 
7English Noh Theater Workshop: Lessons from a Japanese university EFL classroom The Mask & Gavel 38 -49 2018年 
8Noh in Cyberspace, Empowering the International Voices of Japanese Computer Science Students All 1st International Festival/Conference on Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts. Fukuoka, Japan. Tiempo 4 All Commemorative Edition 35 -36 2018年 
9Music in the Philippine Language Classroom Humanising Language Teaching 19 (7) 2017年 
10Incorporating Music in CALL: An exploratory study establishing a protocol for Computer Assisted Language Learning Incorporating Music (CALLiM) AsiaCALL 11 18 -42 2016年 
11私の研究Music as tool for Language Education言語教育ツールとしての音楽 とうほう地域綜合研究所 (408) 58 -60 2016年 
12Interactive Musical Composition using a Looping App to Support L2 Development Paper presented at Digital Arts – 2nd Global Meeting at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom 2015年 
13Musical looping of lexical chunks: An exploratory study JALT CALL Journal 11 (3) 235 -253 2015年 
14Perceived Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies of Native and Non-native English Speaking Teachers in Japan The Asian EFL Journal 78 16 -26 2014年 
15Musicians in the Language Classroom: The Transfer of Musical Skills to Teaching a “Speech Mode of Communication” English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED) 16 34 -47 2014年 
16The Philippine Rondalla: A Gift of Musical Heritage in a Migrant Context International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 9 (1) 97 -120 2013年 
17The Philippine Rondalla: Recreating Musical Heritage in Contemporary Australasia University of Canterbury 2013年 
18Rondalla Down Under Musika Jornal 132 -154 2012年 


1会津で見つかったお宝[A Treasure found in Aizu] 会津能楽会会報 2018年 
2Aizu Relay Essay: “Three ‘S’s? Soba, Sake and Samurai Fukushima Mimpo 2014年01月 
3Research Award Recipient Fieldwork Report NZASIA Newsletter 22 2011年05月 


1Persevering with Intercultural Performing Arts During a Pandemic: Semiotic Clusters and an Online, Noh Performance The 12th Asian conference on Cultural Studies Tokyo, Japan. 2022年06月 口頭発表(一般) 
2‘Noh-ing’ English through Ethnomusicology International Conference on Frontier Computing. Tokyo. 2022年04月 口頭発表(基調) 
3Contemporary Compositions for Philippine Rondalya: The role of the guitar The Guitar in contemporary chamber music. Ball State University, Indiana USA. 2022年04月 口頭発表(一般) 
4Rondalya Interrupted: Early Flows, Asia-Pacific Distribution and Semiotic Clusters IMS Study Group on the Global History of Music, “Music in the Pacific World: Change and Exchange through Sound and Memory 2021年10月14日 口頭発表(一般) 
5Linking Japan to the World Through the Performing Arts? Progress Report and Impact Assessment During a Pandemic 3rd Performance in Education Research and Practice Online Conference. Nagoya, Japan. 2021年09月 
6Enhancing Intercultural Understanding Through Performance in Education The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021 2021年05月25日 口頭発表(一般) 
7When PIE Comes a’CALLin’: Musical Avenues for the Self-directed Language Learner 2nd Performance in Education: Research & Practice Online Conference 2021年02月20日 口頭発表(一般) 
8Migrant contributions to the Tainan soundscape The Sixth International Conference on Tainan Area;Studies “Art;Material Culture in;the Tainan;Area” 2020年10月17日 口頭発表(一般) 
9Noh in English workshop and performance Performance in Education: Research and Practice. Nanzan University, Nagoya 2019年06月15日 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 
10Making the Invisible Visible: Recognizing Call research in Asian contexts – Call in university settings 16th International Conference of AsiaCALL. College of International Studies and Education of Tongren University, China 2018年11月02日 口頭発表(招待・特別) 
11Teaching English through Ethnomusicology Paper presented at the Short Colloquium: English language education, communicative teaching approaches, and EFL university students in the higher education context of Japan, Sociolingustics Symposium SS22 University of Auckland, New Zealand 2018年 口頭発表(招待・特別) 
12Translingualism and Noh in the Japanese Computer Science EFL Classroom Paper presented at the Long Colloquium: The factors of everyday globalization, the relocalization of mediascapes and technoscapes in multilingualism from below, Sociolingustics Symposium SS22 University of Auckland, New Zealand 2018年 口頭発表(招待・特別) 
13Noh Theater in English with Japanese University Students Paper presented at the JALT Speech, Drama & Debate SIG Conference. Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan 2018年 口頭発表(一般) 
14English Noh in Cyberspace: A practical solution to the dilemma of oral English production Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of AsiaCALL. College of International Studies and Education of Tongren University, China 2018年 口頭発表(一般) 
15Noh-ing English at a Japanese University Paper presented at the Tiempo 4 All 1st International Conference on Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts: Community Development, Education, Policy. Saga University/Tiempo Fukuoka, Japan 2017年 口頭発表(一般) 
16Composition Workshop: Composing for Flute and Guitar Workshop presented at the School of Music. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2016年 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 
17Practicing Lexical Chunks with a Music Looping App (Loopy) in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan Paper presented at The Fifth Annual Conference on Language Learning acll2015. Art Centre of Kobe, Japan 2015年 口頭発表(一般) 
18Establishing a Protocol for Computer Assisted Language Learning Incorporating Music (CALLIM) Paper presented at the CALICO conference at the University of Colorado, Boulder USA 2015年 口頭発表(一般) 
19Interactive Musical Composition using a Looping App to Support L2 Development Paper presented at the Digital Arts – 2nd Global Meeting at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom 2015年 口頭発表(一般) 
20The Rondalla in Spain: A Historical Panorama Paper presented at the international conference and workshop on Plucked String Music Cultures: Local Histories and Global Movements. Chinese Culture University, Taipei 2015年 口頭発表(招待・特別) 
21From Looping apps to Noh: Interdisciplinary Pathways to a career in Music Research seminar presentation at the School of Music. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2015年 口頭発表(招待・特別) 
22Musicians in the Language Classroom: The Transfer of Musical Skills to Teaching a “Speech Mode of Communication” Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Language Learning/The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom, Osaka Japan 2014年 口頭発表(一般) 
23Incorporating Music in CALL: An Exploratory Study Paper presented at the AsiaCALL 2014 Conference on Capacity Building and CALL: Practices and Challenges. National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan 2014年 口頭発表(一般) 
24Music and Language Teaching: Affordances and Constrains of the Digital Work Station Poster presentation at the JALT Okinawa conference on Trends in Language Learning. Okinawa Christian University 2014年 ポスター発表 
25Rondalla Down Under Paper presented at the Musicological Society of the Philippines International Conference 2011: Cuerdas sa Pagkakaysa: “Plucked-string Music: Tradition, Change and New Directions”. Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines 2011年 口頭発表(一般) 
26The Rondalla in Australia Paper presented at Re-Visions: the Joint Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA) and the NZ Musicological Society (NZMS) University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 2010年 口頭発表(一般) 
27Fiesta: Filipino Music in Christchurch Paper presented at the New Zealand Musicological Society Annual Conference 2009: Music and Migration. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2009年 口頭発表(一般) 
28Pathways towards authentic communication in English Paper presented at the IEEE Professional Communication Society Japan Chapter. Shibaura Institute of Technology, Toyosu Campus, Japan   口頭発表(招待・特別) 


1KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Linking Japan to the world through the Performing Arts: Collaborative ethnography and intercultural exchange 2020年04月 
2Michael Toovey Memorial Prize University of Canterbury Graduate Student Award 2010年